How To Add Value To Your Home On A Budget

Picture of our first home in London

Are you considering selling your home soon but do not currently have the budget to make any large changes? Well, do not worry, as there are many cheap ways to add value to your home, mostly through simple cosmetic and decorative changes to the interior!

The majority of these can be carried out by yourself, so there is no need to spend additional money hiring a builder. Extra savings!

1. Re-paint 

Painting A Wall
Source: Malte Luk

The interior design of a home can be improved just through some minor cosmetic or decorative changes. A new coat of paint can make a room look brighter and fresher and may even make it appear larger.

Old wallpaper can make a room look dated. If you are looking to sell, consider stripping the wallpaper and adding a coat of white paint – this can help modernize the look and feel of the room which will increase its appeal to potential buyers.

2. Show off the floorboards

Dark varnished floorboards
Source: Pixabay

If you have carpet in your living room, consider stripping the corner slightly back so you can see the floorboards. If the floorboards are reasonably good quality or would just require some minor cosmetic work, remove the carpet– original wooden floorboards are a great way to add value to a home and are also aesthetically pleasing.

You will probably need to gently clean the floorboards (do not soak them!), sand them, and/or add some varnish. You can find guides online if you’re happy to do it yourself, like this one from The Guardian, or if you prefer to watch a video, check out this great tutorial by B&Q

3. Update your furniture

If you want to increase the value of your home for aesthetic reasons, consider updating your furniture. New furniture can make a room look completely different. If you are on a tight budget, consider upcycling furniture – this also has the added bonus of lowering your carbon footprint! You can upcycle your current furniture, use items lying around that you have no use for, or you can purchase some items/furniture cheaply from a flea market or charity shop to use.

For example, you can upcycle an old chair by cleaning it, repainting the wooden frame, and reupholstering it with different fabric. You can take a crate, sand it down, add some polish/varnish and use it as shelving or storage. James made a lovely end table and a shoe rack for our living room by using the wood from an old pallet

4. Re-open or add a fireplace

Open fireplaces
Source: Pavel Danilyuk

If you have a bigger budget and enough space, you might consider adding a fireplace to your home. Depending on when the house was built, there may already be one but it could be bricked over/ sealed – if you have had a property/building survey done, check to see if anything is mentioned.

There may be building regulations you will need to comply with, so it is best to do some research around this or get a professional in to assess and fit the fireplace for you.

5. Decluttering

Storage boxes
Source: Cottonbro

If you have lots of things laying around, it can make a room look smaller. Consider if you really need everything in the room. If you have items that you no longer need or use, consider selling them and use the money to go back into improving your home, donating them to charity, or simply get rid of them. You can learn more about the different ways to declutter your home here

6. Storage

Floating crate shelves
Source: Lisa Fotios

Adding storage is useful for practical reasons but it can also be aesthetically pleasing. There are many space-saving options to choose from, such as corner bookcases and floating shelves. This is especially useful if you have many things that you don’t want to get rid of, as mentioned in the previous point.

7. Room layout

Room layout Feng Shui
Source: Pixabay

Or in other words, Feng Shui. Moving furniture around this can really open a space and can make a room look different without needing to spend any money.

8. Change lightbulbs and light fixtures

Edison lightbulb cluster
Source: Pixabay

Lighting can have a huge impact on a room’s appearance. Think about the lights in shops or hospitals – they tend to use strong fluorescent bright lights which often make the spaces feel clinical or cold. In a home, you will probably want a light that throws off a warmer light (though not in terms of temperature!).

You can also get light fixtures that fit in with the design of the room – from chandeliers and pendant ceiling lights to standing lamps – there is something to fit everyone’s preference.

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