How Does Learner Insurance Work?

Woman Driving A Car

Getting your provisional licence is an exciting time. The thought of learning how to drive paired with an increased ability to explore and greater freedom marks a distinct turning point in someone’s life. 

For many people, learning to drive is an important rite of passage. However, it also comes with many questions, especially when it comes to choosing car insurance. Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions you may have. 

What is Learner Driver Insurance?

Learner driver insurance is a short-term insurance policy aimed at covering drivers while they are practicing for their driving test. They are temporary car insurance policies that can last from as little as one day to several months. As a provisional type of policy, this insurance is in addition to the existing insurance of a vehicle. 

Learner drivers will need to be supervised by another driver. This driver must be someone who has held a UK licence for at least three years, is older than 25, and is younger than 75. This can be virtually any person whether a parent, friend or family member. 

How Does Learner Insurance Work? 

When a learner insurance policy is purchased, it is in the name of the learner driver. It works by covering them whenever they are driving under the supervision of an appropriate person. 

As a provisional policy, learner insurance provides protection against damage to the car when the learner is operating it. It would not affect the insurance of the person who owns the car. Levels of cover available include comprehensive, third-party fire and theft, and third-party only. 

Do I Need Learner Driver Insurance?

It is a legal requirement to have insurance prior to driving. You need learner insurance when you are learning to drive privately. If you are learning to drive with a professional driving instructor, you do not need it as it would be covered by them. 

How Much Is Learner Insurance?

As you would likely expect, learner driver insurance is more costly than standard insurance. There are a number of reasons behind this. First, insuring a younger driver is simply riskier in general as they are far less experienced than existing drivers. Additionally, accidents are more likely to occur when someone is first learning to drive

“The cost of learner insurance will depend on the length of cover you want. As a rule of thumb, you can expect to pay from £15 for a one-day term, £35 for a one-week term, and £70 for a one-month term.”

You will find that a number of factors will affect the cost of learner driver insurance. The most significant factors include the length of the policy, the area where the learner lives, and the type of car that they will be driving. Here are some ways you can save money on car insurance.

Can I Get Learner Insurance On Parents’ Car?

One of the questions many parents have when their child begins to learn to drive is if learner insurance can be purchased for a parents’ car. After all, many people learn to drive in a vehicle owned by their parents. 

Yes, you can get learner insurance on your parent’s car. You can also get learner insurance to drive a car of another relative or even a friend. 

It is important to note that a learner driver policy is intended to cover a driver while they are learning to drive. Once your child passes their driving test, you will need to replace the learner driver insurance by adding your child as a driver on your own insurance policy. 

Will My No Claims Be Affected By Learner Insurance? 

There is no risk to a parent’s insurance policy if the learner gets into an accident. No, your no claims bonus or insurance rate will be affected if your child gets into an accident while learning to drive. The learner policy covers any accidents.

Learner Driver Insurance on Your Own Car

But what if you’ve already managed to purchase your own vehicle and won’t be needing to use one from a parent or family member? Not to worry, you are able to purchase learner driver insurance for your own vehicle as well. 

Does Learner Insurance Count Towards No Claims?

Yes. Learner insurance does count towards your no claims. Therefore, by getting insured on your own car, you will begin to build up your own no claims bonus. This is useful for starting to build a record and reduce your future car insurance rates. 

Once you pass your driving test, you will no longer have the correct cover to drive and will need to change your learner driver insurance to a new driver policy. 

Up next: What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old?

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