How To Make A Successful Water Leak Insurance Claim

Leaking tap

Water leaks can cause a lot of damage to your home, and if you have insurance, you’ll want to make a claim as soon as possible. But making a successful water leak insurance claim can be tricky—you’ll need to have all your documentation in order and be prepared for a long process.

Water leak insurance claims have increased by 30% since Q1 2021 for UK households

Source: Insurance Times

Here’s what you need to know about making a successful water leak insurance claim:

  1. Get the water leak under control
  2. Document the damage caused
  3. Contact your insurance provider to make a claim
  4. Meet with the insurance loss adjuster
  5. Wait for your water leak claim settlement
  6. Appeal if unsuccessful

These steps have been fact-checked with an insurance claim handler.

1. Get the water leak under control

If the leak is still active, you should start by trying to get it under control before worrying about your claim.

“My key suggestion is that everyone seeks out where their stopcock is and makes sure that they are able to turn it off quickly should the worst happen.”

Source: Laura Hughes, Association of British Insurers

In situations where the source of the leak is obvious, start by turning off the water at that specific point. In situations where you aren’t sure where the leak is coming from, turn off the water from the mains. You’ll also want to place buckets or pans under the leak to limit the damage from drips.

Finally, hire a plumber to locate the source of the leak and make a more permanent fix. Making repairs is pointless if the problem is likely to return!

2. Document the damage caused

Once you’ve got the leak under control, the next step is documenting the problem. Being thorough is crucial for the success of your claim!

Start by taking photos and videos of the leak. If possible, document the source of the leak as well as any areas of the property that have been impacted by the water.

In addition, you’ll want to document any property damage that was caused by the leak. This might include water damage to walls, floors, furniture, and other belongings.

3. Contact your insurance provider to make a claim

Now it’s time to contact your home insurance provider and make a claim.

Be prepared to answer questions about the leak, including when and how it was discovered, how much water leaked, and what steps have been taken to mitigate the damage.

Your insurance provider will likely recommend you hire a professional to locate and address the source of the leak. Having this done when you make your claim will save time!

Tip: Your insurance provider may go over details about your policy. We recommend taking notes on the conversation, so you can refer to these at a later date.

4. Meet with the insurance loss adjuster

Once you’ve begun the claims process, your insurance provider will likely send a loss adjuster to assess the damage.

This is an important meeting, as the loss adjuster will determine the value of your claim. Be prepared to answer questions about the damage and provide the evidence you’ve collected.

Tip: Don’t stress about the loss adjuster meeting. They understand that most claims are genuine, and they aren’t trying to catch you in a lie! Simply read up on your policy before the meeting so that you have a good understanding of what’s covered and what isn’t.

5. Wait for an insurance claim settlement

Waiting for your insurance company to offer a settlement for your claim is usually the longest part of the claims process. In most cases, the insurance provider will need to review all the evidence before deciding.

6. Appeal if your claim is unsuccessful

If you’re not happy with the decision your insurance company makes, you can appeal the decision. Usually, this is as simple as making a formal complaint through your insurance provider’s customer service channels.

Read next: What to do if your insurance company denies your claim

For more information about appealing an insurance settlement, check out the Financial Ombudsman website.

Bottom Line

Making a successful water leak insurance claim can be tricky, but if you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way. Be sure to contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the water leak occurs and provide them with all the necessary documentation.

Stay patient and stay in communication with your insurance company during the claims process. If you’re not happy with the outcome of your claim, you can appeal the decision.

This is the same when trying to make a successful phone insurance claim.

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